About us

About Us: Prepared Faith Podcast

Greetings, fellow seekers of wisdom and resilience! I’m Pastor Jack, the voice behind Prepared Faith, a podcast that emerged in November 2023 as a humble endeavor to explore the profound intersection of life experience, spirituality, and the pulse of our nation.

Who Am I?
In my many years of life, I’ve worn numerous hats—pastor, life enthusiast, and now your companion on this podcast journey. My journey has taken me through the sacred halls of churches, navigating the intricacies of life, love, and faith. As someone deeply connected to the spiritual realm, I’ve always found solace and guidance in the teachings that transcend our physical existence.

Why a Podcast?
With a heart that beats for the welfare of our country, I felt a calling to extend our conversations beyond the walls of a congregation. Prepared Faith is the result—a platform where I share insights, stories, and lessons learned from a life rich in experiences. It’s a space where spirituality meets the practical concerns of our world.

Technologically Adventurous Yet Learning
Though new to the podcast community, I bring a passion for learning and adapting to the ever-evolving technological landscape. The digital airwaves are a new pulpit for me, a place where we can connect beyond the limitations of physical spaces.

Not Just a Prepper, but Prepared
While I may not identify as a conventional “prepper,” my life experiences have instilled in me a commitment to preparedness—physically, mentally, and spiritually. (note still working on all of these) I believe in a balanced approach that acknowledges the uncertainties of life while maintaining a sense of hope and readiness.

Married and Family-Centered
In the tapestry of my life, my marriage and family are integral threads. Together, we navigate the challenges of the modern world, and their influence is woven into the fabric of Prepared Faith. Family values, love, and the concern for our collective future are at the core of our discussions.

Always Learning, Always Growing
Prepared Faith is not just a podcast; it’s a personal journey of growth and enlightenment. I am committed to continuous learning, and this podcast is a shared space for all of us to evolve together.

Join me on this adventure of exploration, introspection, preparedness, and shared wisdom. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler on the path of spirituality or a curious soul just beginning the journey to find the intersection of faith and practical readiness, Prepared Faith welcomes you with open arms.

In the spirit of learning, growing, and embracing the wisdom that life unfolds,

Pastor Jack
Prepared Faith Podcast

“At ‘Prepared Faith,’ our mission is to create a dynamic and inclusive space where faith converges with practical preparedness.

We strive to inspire and empower our listeners by exploring the intersection of spirituality, readiness, and resilience. Through insightful podcasts, articles, and a vibrant community, we aim to equip individuals with the tools, knowledge, and unwavering faith necessary to navigate the challenges of our ever-changing world. Our vision is to foster a community that not only stockpiles supplies but also cultivates a deep sense of hope, unity, and preparedness, contributing to a brighter and more secure future for all.”

The core values of “Prepared Faith” is built upon the foundational principles that guide the podcast and its community.

1. Faith-Centered Resilience:
– Embrace faith as a source of strength, guiding individuals to face challenges with resilience and courage.

2. Holistic Preparedness:
– Advocate for a comprehensive approach to preparedness, encompassing not just physical supplies but also mental, emotional, and spiritual readiness.

3. Unity in Diversity:
– Foster a diverse and inclusive community where individuals from various backgrounds come together with a shared commitment to faith and preparedness.

4. Empowerment Through Knowledge:
– Provide valuable insights and knowledge to empower individuals, enabling them to make informed decisions for their well-being and the well-being of their communities.

5. Community Support:
– Cultivate a supportive and compassionate community that shares experiences, offers guidance, and stands together in times of challenge.

6. Hope as a Driving Force:
– Promote hope as a motivating factor, inspiring individuals to look toward the future with optimism and a belief in positive outcomes.

7. Practical Spirituality:
– Explore the practical application of spiritual principles in everyday life, connecting faith with actionable steps for personal and collective preparedness.

8. Continuous Learning:
– Encourage a culture of continuous learning, where individuals are open to new ideas, perspectives, and approaches that contribute to personal and communal growth.

9. Integrity and Authenticity:
– Uphold values of integrity, honesty, and authenticity in all content and interactions, building trust within the community.

10. Global Consciousness:
– Promote awareness of global issues and encourage a sense of responsibility toward the broader human community.

These core values form the ethical and aspirational foundation of “Prepared Faith,” guiding its content, community interactions, and overall mission. They reflect a commitment to creating a positive, empowering, and inclusive space for individuals seeking a harmonious balance between faith and preparedness in their lives.